Jesse Powell, Kraken CEO, Claims He Will Pay Triggered Employees To Leave


    The very famous Kraken Exchange CEO Jesse Powell is all set to pay his triggered employees to leave the company. 

    Kraken exchange claims that they are willing to pay their triggered employees to leave the company.

    Kraken CEO Jesse Powell spoke to Fox News.

    This unique announcement of Jesse Powell comes in the midst of Lay off spree in the middle industry.  

    Kraken Exchange CEO is making the headlines by making moves against employees. The movement is against the employees that Jesse calls the Woke. 

    Speaking to Fox News, the CEO blatantly stated that Triggered employees should leave the company. 

    Jesse Powell claims that he is also willing to pay four months’ salary for the employees who are part of the Woke campaign. According to Jessie, his employees don’t agree with his policies. Further, Jesse argues that the company was under attack from the inside.

    Moreover, Jessie stated that the company’s productivity was under attack. 

    A lot of people were wasting their time arguing with these people and getting into therapy sessions with them.

    Jesse said that they are paying four months of salary so that the employees can find a better workplace suitable for them. He also stated that the employees had accepted thirty such offers so far. He also highlighted that if the employees refuse to leave after taking the payment, then they will be managed out the hard way.

    I think when you go woke, you go broke. I think the whole woke activist movement inside of the companies is that they completely ignore the fact that we have a business to run.

    Other tech CEOs such as Elon Musk came in support of Jesse Powell. However, the New York Times has called out Jesse’s policies stating that his current behavior is toxic and narcissistic.

    In related layoff news, as per the reports from Wu Blockchain, Huobi is planning to lay off more than 30% of its workforce. The reason stated was that the revenue dropped considerably after removing the Chinese users.

    The current bear market and crypto winter have proven to be extremely difficult for crypto companies and investors. Firms are doing mass layoffs to help their business survive amidst the harsh market conditions.

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