The users of Telegram Can Now receive and send Crypto!


Yes, the users of Telegram can now receive and send the Toncoin, along with this they may also make the purchases in the bitcoin. It is following to the abandonment of 2019 project. With TON Foundation that is well announce on Tuesday with the new bot for the use in just social app Telegram. It allows the users to receive and send Toncoin to some other. This also marks first time of the Telegram that has also added the crypto functionality on the platform following with the SEC in year of 2019. The functionality of Cryptocurrency has been also add back in social app Telegram that is following quite more than 2 year of hiatus that is stemming from quite lengthy bout.

Receiving & Sending of Tonocoin Crypto!

The Users may also now send & receive Toncoin, also with this makes the bitcoin purchases through this app. As per the tweet on Tuesday through TON also known as The Open Network Foundation. Telegram also helps to boasts above 550 million of the active users and it is among the most famous social networks of world.

With the foundation that is also accountable for the development TON blockchain that allows the crypto infrastructure mainly for use in just social app. Previous week, foundation has also announce that it has also raise almost $1 billion in the donations to check the efforts of development.
Subsequent to the announcement, Toncoin increase with 14.3% from about $2.03 to $2.32 prior to the succumbing for selling side of the market pressure. According to the press time, token is now down with the 10% more than 24-hour. It is changing the hands for about $2.06.

The Users are never required for paying the transaction fees. It will no more need to always enter the address of long crypto with functionality of wallet embedded in app.


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