Robinhood allows the users to hold their crypto and NFTs as it attains growth beyond trading of stock!

Robinhood launches the stand-alone app which allows the custody of users and their NFT and cryptocurrencies thereby putting it exactly in competition. With self-custody...

Minting Your First NFT: A Beginner’s to Mining NFTs as an Artist

ON your way to Minting Your First NFT? NFTs are changing the dynamics of how the creative industry operates, enabling artists and creators to...

Getty Images to Start NFT Marketplace with Candy Digital

Just like others are capitalizing on the NFTs, Getty images are also all set to dive into the NFT (non-fungible tokens). Even though a...

About NFTs

There are few hot topics in the world, one of such trending topics is NFT. NFTs are decentralised autonomous organisations that help with crypto-fueled...

NASA Challenge to Developers: Create Martian Metaverse Without Any Delay

The NASA MarsXR Challenge is a new challenge. This challenge is the cause of the US space agency in collaboration with Epic Games and...


