According To a Survey, a Quarter Of Aussie Crypto Users Plan To Buy Crypto Christmas Gifts

Crypto Christmas Gifts

Crypto Christmas gifts? According to a recent survey, more than a quarter of Aussie crypto users plan to purchase crypto-centric gifts this festive season. 

This survey is from the Crypto wallet and services provider called “” for Australians aged 18-59. Out of the users who are using the crypto over the period of 12 months, 26% responded they would consider giving away some for Christmas or may purchase the crypto-related gifts. 

Furthermore, 53% of those planning to purchase the Crypto gifts stated that they would consider purchasing the crypto assets like Ethereum (ETH) or BTC (Bitcoin) for their loved ones at Christmas. 

Besides, the survey also found that crypto merchandise like hoodies or themed socks may be popular gifts. Additionally, 43% of those who are planning to buy the Crypto-centric gifts were looking for these items. 

Nearly 42% said they are buying the coin vouchers, and 35% considered buying the crypto books. Moreover, around a third of those who were surveyed were thinking about non-fungible-token (NFTs) as a gift.

More than half of the respondents preferred Bitcoin!

Lastly, according to the September survey of the 1000 respondents by Finder, one in six Australians now own the cryptocurrency. The total assets of the value-adding up to $US8 billion. Moreover, about 9% of the Australians surveyed own Ethereum(8%), Dogecoin(5%), and Bitcoin (8%). 


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