New Altcoins

Phygital World: The Metaverse is Merging our Real and Digital Lives

The phygital world is all the rage for all the good reasons! The digital economy is one of the primary growth drivers of the world...

It’s Pay Out Time for DeFi Insurance

An exclusive look into the world of DeFi Insurance from the founders of the biggest projects in the space. They reveal their thinking around...

Crypto Market Crash Leaves Investors Counting Losses

The recent crypto market crash is one of the major crashes that has been witnessed by the crypto community and crypto investors. Here is...

Minting Your First NFT: A Beginner’s to Mining NFTs as an Artist

ON your way to Minting Your First NFT? NFTs are changing the dynamics of how the creative industry operates, enabling artists and creators to...

Getty Images to Start NFT Marketplace with Candy Digital

Just like others are capitalizing on the NFTs, Getty images are also all set to dive into the NFT (non-fungible tokens). Even though a...


